Even if you only use this website for browsing, we will nevertheless collect and retain certain information about your visit. Your IP address, the browser and operating system you use, the date and time you access our website, the pages you visit, and the website URL you used are just a few examples of the data we may collect from you.
We won't identify you or establish a personal connection with you using this data. Occasionally, we might need to obtain personally identifiable data from you or about you, as when you use our contact form to request auto leads from dealers. Personal information includes things like your name, address, phone number, and identification.
In order to safeguard your privacy and adhere to all applicable privacy laws, we utilize well-known security standards and procedures. Industry-accepted physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards are incorporated into our websites to keep your information secure during its entire life cycle in our infrastructure.
We encrypt sensitive data before storing it on the infrastructure. Sensitive data is quickly re-encrypted and deleted if necessary after processing. We house our online services in data centers that have undergone audits and implemented access controls. Since these data centers have restricted access, recorded and live video feeds, 24/7 manned security, and biometrics, we offer secure hosting.